
8 hours

Today's travelers on ancient roads

After the Roman conquest, the emperor Trajan raised on the territory of the current Causeni city a wall of defense, the purpose of which was to protect the borders of the empire from barbarian invasions. Historically, this defensive dam remained known as the Trajan's Wall. A neighborhood of Causeni city was also named after the same name. The first documentary attestation of the locality dates from the XVth century, the year 1455. Also in a letter from the ruler Petru Rares is mentioned a locality near the Botna river, called Chesenaul Rosu. In 1535 the Turks occupied 12 villages in Moldova, including Chesenaul Rosu, which they changed their name to Causeni. In the XVI century this locality was mentioned as a fair, this means a commercial city. During this period, the city became the residence of the Crimean Inn. Trade routes along the Dniester River connected the main cities in the region with fairs in Europe and Asia on the famous „Moldovan Big Road”.

1320 MDL

* Price indicated is for one person

Chisinau – Zaim – Causeni – Hagimus – Plop Stiubei – Leuntea – Copanca – Chitcani – Copanca – Talamaza– Ciobruciu – Rascaieti – Purcari - Olanesti – Crocmaz – Tudora –Palanca - Chisinau

  • 360 km
  • 8 hours
  • 6 locations

Price includes:

  1. Accompanying tour guide services (Romanian; Russian).
  2. Entrance ticket to the Museum House - Alexei Mateevici, village Zaim, Causeni 
  3. City tour of Causeni (Romanian; Russian)


Attractions and tourist spots that can be included in the program of the excursion: cultural buildings, monasteries, town and village churches, museums, parks and natural reservations, wineries and vineyards, craftsmen’s workshops.

Points of beautiful sight: Height of Lomakin, The bell tower of the Noul Neamt Monastery in Chitcani

Useful Details

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20-seater minibus


6500 MDL


English guided tour supplement


430 MDL


Visit to Hagimus monastery + lunch

monastery menu


300 MDL


Lunch in Causeni city

fixed menu


100 MDL


Traditional lunch at a local guesthouse, Lower Dniester area

Lower Dniester area


200 MDL


Flower wreath weaving workshop – Guesthouse „La Tudora”


50 MDL


Osier basket weaving workshop, craftsman Pavel Taranu, Ciobruciu village

minimum 10 people


100 MDL


Visit to the "Curtea Porumbeilor" (Pigeon Court)

Palanca village


50 MDL

  1. Întâlnire cu ghidul însoțitor
  2. Vizită ghidată la Casa muzeu - Alexei Mateevici, s. Zaim, Căușeni 
  3. Tur de oraș Căușeni

Important! Activitățile posibile le puteți găsi în lista de experiențe de călătorie propuse de agenția ILISTUR pentru vizita Dumneavoastră în Ținutul Edineț. Puteți personaliza programul, efectuând rezervări pentru diverse servicii opționale.

  • Serate și concursuri literare la Muzeul memorial Alexei Mateevici, satul Zaim;
  • Drumeții în natură: stejari seculari, flori rare, păsări – Zona  Ramsar ”Nistrul de Jos”;
  • Degustare de vinuri celebre la una din vinăriile din zonă : Leuntea-Vin, Purcari, EtCaetera, Gogu, Sălcuța, Carahasani-Vin;
  • Plimbare cu caiacul pe Nistru – Zona Ciobruciu, Nistrul de Jos;
  • Plimbări cu ”duboae” (luntrea) sau plimbări cu barca cu motor pe Nistru;
  • Atelier de împletit coronițe din flori – Pensiunea ”La Tudora”;
  • Atelier de împletit în lozie, meșter Pavel Țăranu, satul Ciobruciu;
  • ”O zi cu miros de piersici” – cules de piersici în livada de piersici, satul Tudora (activitate de sezon);
  • Plimbări ecvestre de-a lungul Nistrului, satul Crocmaz;
  • ”Plăcinta miresei” ori ”Chiroște” - ateliere gastronomice, pensiuni agroturistice din zonă;
  • Vizită la Curtea Porumbeilor, satul Palanca.
  • Cu 72 ore înainte - Anulare gratuită;
  • După și neprezentare – 100 % penalitate
Palatul Republicii, mun. Chișinău, str. Maria Cebotari 16
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